Monday, August 17, 2009

RIP Maxie


She annoyed the piss out of me so often, I’d swear I hated that dog. If you took her off a leash for even a second, she’d decide to give you a tour of the most heavily wooded area around my parents’ house on the coldest or darkest days of the year by making you chase after her. And now she’s gone, and I teared up a little at work. But you were a good dog, and all you ever wanted was to be loved or petted. I hope we gave you that much. You will be missed.


Lesley said...

I'm really sorry for your loss. Maxie looks like a real character, the kind of dog I would like to know.

Spotted over at Balloon Juice.

WereBear said...

My condolences. I'm sure she was a sweet as she looks here.

LeeAnn Hansen said...

I also spotted you over at BJ. She looks like a great dog. I know what you mean about taking off as soon as the leash is off. My mutt has the same mischievous spark in his eyes. May you keep those happy memories forever.